Deployed in more than 20 countries
More than 34 million API calls daily
More than 1 Million eBooks delivered
More than 5 Million Active Users
99.97% Guaranteed Uptime
GDPR Ready
Explore new opportunities with interactive digital publishing and connect with your target audience on their favorite devices.
A single platform with everything you need to create and distribute eBooks effectively
Enhancing the Joy of Learning through Innovative Technology
Empowering All Learners
Cloud-hosted, self-serve admin tool to create and distribute digital content.
Onboard customers
Manage licenses
Analyze usage
Manage books
128-bit encryption offers top-notch DRM
Use it from any device, OS or browser or download the app. WCAG 2.1 compliant
An intuitive interface that makes sense from the very first time; no technical knowledge needed
A variety of connectors to onboard schools or to integrate with other systems such as LMSes
Deep-embed the KITABOO reader inside your existing delivery system, with matched branding and looks
Publishers, schools, universities, corporate L&D, associations
Introducing your AI-powered Learning Assistant –K-AI. Our Learning Assistant makes it easy to create MCQs, flashcards, learning objectives, and chapter summaries in just a few clicks. With our intuitive interface, Educators can save time and increase productivity, allowing them to focus on what really matters – providing quality education.
KITABOO is one of the world’s leading eBook platforms for publishers and institutions. A digital book publishing platform where you can create, publish and distribute DRM-protected content across multiple devices and operating systems. Globally, more than 15 million users use it from over 32 countries in around 25 languages.
Request A DemoDeployed in more than 20 countries
More than 34 Million+ API calls daily
More than 1 Million eBooks delivered
More than 4 Million+ happy users
99.97% Guaranteed Uptime
Product feature | Silver | Gold | |
Component Available | Yes | Yes | |
White-labeled KITABOO eReader & Player | Yes | Yes | |
KITABOO Content Publishing & Enrichment | Yes | Yes | |
KITABOO Distribution & User Management | Yes | Yes | |
B2B2C Distribution (Institutional Model) | Yes | Yes | |
Advance Analytics & Reports | No | Yes | |
Engineering Extensions | No | Yes | |
Time to go live | 4 weeks from signing of contract | 6-8 weeks | |
Payment terms | Monthly renewable | Annual | |
Recommended for | 50-3000 users per month | Large user base | |
Support (24/7) | 10 tickets per month | Unlimited |