
Trusted by Leading Educational Publishers and Institutions Worldwide

Protect and Distribute Your eBooks with Cutting-Edge
Digital Rights Management

Secure your valuable digital content with our state-of-the-art DRM protected eBook distribution platform. Whether you’re an independent author or a major publishing house, our solution ensures your eBooks reach your audience while remaining safeguarded against unauthorized access and piracy. Say goodbye to content theft and hello to peace of mind.

With our robust secure eBook distribution system, you’ll benefit from:

  • Military-grade encryption for ultimate protection
  • Flexible licensing options to suit your business model
  • Detailed analytics on content usage and distribution
  • Seamless integration with major eReader platforms

Plus, our platform offers user-friendly tools to manage your entire digital catalog effortlessly.

Ready to revolutionize your eBook distribution? Embrace secure, DRM-protected distribution today!

Kitaboo: A proven high scale digital textbook platform

Deployed in more than 20 countries

More than 34 million API calls daily

More than 1 Million eBooks delivered

More than 5 Million Active Users

99.97% Guaranteed Uptime

GDPR Ready


Protect your intellectual property with advanced encryption and access controls, ensuring only authorized readers can access your content.

Flexible Distribution

Reach your audience through multiple channels while maintaining full control over your eBook’s usage and accessibility.

KITABOO: A proven high scale digital textbook platform

Deployed in more than 20 countries

Why Publishers Choose KITABOO

Advanced DRM Technology

Implement robust copyright protection that doesn’t compromise user experience.

Multi-format Support

Secure distribution for ePUB, PDF, and other popular eBook formats.

Customizable Access Controls

Set specific permissions for printing, copying, and sharing to suit your needs.

Real-time Tracking and Reporting

Monitor your eBook’s performance with comprehensive analytics and insights.

Seamless Reader Authentication

Ensure only legitimate users can access your content across devices.

Watermarking Capabilities

Add visible and invisible watermarks for an extra layer of protection.

Offline Reading Support

Allow secured offline access without compromising DRM integrity.

Integration with Existing Systems

Easily incorporate our solution into your current distribution workflow.

Scalable Infrastructure

Handle distribution from a few titles to extensive libraries with ease.


Our DRM technology encrypts your eBooks, allowing access only to authenticated users with proper licensing, preventing unauthorized copying or sharing.

Absolutely! Our DRM is designed to be user-friendly, allowing legitimate readers to access content across devices without hassle.

Yes, our system integrates smoothly with leading eBook retailers and distribution channels.

Certainly! Our platform allows you to create customized access rules based on user types, geographic regions, or other criteria.

We use secure, multi-factor authentication methods to verify user identities and prevent unauthorized access.

Yes, our detailed analytics dashboard provides insights into user behavior, popular content, and potential security issues.

Absolutely! Our system allows for real-time updates to access permissions and content revisions.

We employ advanced techniques to disable screen capture and restrict printing based on your set permissions.

Yes, we offer APIs and plugins to integrate seamlessly with most popular eCommerce and content management systems.

We provide 24/7 technical support, regular system updates, and personalized assistance to ensure your distribution runs smoothly.

Safeguard your digital content while expanding your reach. Experience the power of secured, DRM-protected eBook distribution today!