
The total training expenditure in the U.S. increased by 32.5% in 2017 alone, crossing $100 billion. Today we see enterprises investing heavily in training and development programs because they understand that an effective training program is what keeps the workforce motivated, inspiring them to deliver high quality output. According to Salesforce, 80% of high-performing sales teams rate their sales training process as outstanding or very good. This signifies the importance of having a good sales training platform.

One of the world’s largest and most reputed sales training firm in the U.S. wanted to enhance their sales training platform. Catering to the learning needs of over 1 million sales and management professionals across 55 countries in more than 15 languages, the client required an exceptional training platform to transform their learning and development process.

All their course modules, customized training and reading resources are embedded with many enablement technologies such as eLearning, sales playbooks, mobile learning and data analytics. They wanted us to design a compelling learning platform which is easy-to-use, and which would help them deliver effective learning content to their employees.

Business Requirements

  • Create Cost-effective Training Resources
    The challenge of printing and distribution of training resources to the large learner base spread across geographies and different languages was an operational challenge and a cost-intensive
    activity. The client wanted an interactive custom-branded reader app to train their sales teams across different locations.
  • Secured Digital Training Content Distribution
    There was a secret recipe to their training success that the firm wanted to protect as proprietary pre-training/on-training/post-training course material and reading resources. So, secured digital content with limited access to only verified users was a vital business need.
  • White-Label Reader App
    The company already is a market leader in using eLearning, online learning, mobile learning, playbooks and data analytics as enablement technologies. With digital content authoring and distribution, it now needed its own logo-branded reader app for online and offline access to training resources.
  • Enrich Courseware with Interactivity & Collaboration
    The client wanted multimedia and interactive elements such as video tutorials, podcasts, audio, note-making and text-highlight to keep learners engaged. As collaboration is absolutely critical for the sales teams, the client wanted to incorporate collaboration tools into the courseware to communicate with peers and faculty on-the-go.
  • Offline Reading on App
    The client wanted their sales team to be able to access the training resources even in the absence of internet connection. They also wanted to make the course multi-device friendly as there was no uniformity in content experience when accessed through different devices.

Hurix Solution and Approach

HurixDigital collaborated with the client and offered them an interactive digital solution to address their learning and development needs. A cloud-based content transformation platform to create, publish and distribute interactive mobile-ready digital content for training on-the-go was offered with Kitaboo.

  • Kitaboo Cloud provided Anytime Access
    The interactive content enrichment platform delivers high impact courseware with the ability to embed multimedia such as audio, video tutorials and high-definition visuals. This enhanced digital content delivers in-depth and engaging learning experience to the users. The cloud-based platform enabled the users to access the learning content 24×7.
  • Kitaboo Reader Enabled Device-agnostic Reading
    Kitaboo delivered training content that auto-adjusts to different device screen display (smartphone, tablet, PC). The users can now access the training content on any device of their choice. Pre-training, On-training and Post-training content can now be available for learners to access online and offline.
  • Delivered an All-in-one Training App
    Kitaboo supports online training, eLibrary, mobile learning & offline reading needs. It enabled the clients to upload once and distribute latest and updated training content & resources for learners in just a few clicks. Custom-designed for the training company, it created a digital brand identity and communication channel to connect with their users anytime, anywhere, and on any device.
  • Quick Turnaround Time
    With no hardware or software requirements, the cloud-based digital publishing platform is quick to respond to desktop/tablet/mobile publishing needs.
  • Included Collaboration Tool
    Kitaboo-powered collaboration tools facilitates the instructor and learner with note taking, analytics and text highlights to build a stronger engagement between the learner and the training
    content. It also facilitated sharing of content, enabling peer-to-peer learning.

Key Benefits

  • Enabled the firm to control the distribution of their training content with the help of DRM
  • Enabled users to access the training material 24×7
  • Content can be accessed on any device across all operating platforms
  • User-friendly features
  • Compelling interactivities to enhance engagement and collaboration among users
  • White label app embedded with the client’s business logo

Value Added

  • Proprietary Training eBooks
    The clients received copyright protected training material which they can share with their learners. With DRM protection, their content was made safe from piracy and illegal use, as only those with appropriate access codes were allowed to access the content.
  • 24×7 Training
    With a large user base of online learning, the training firm was able to ensure that their learners have complete access to the training material at all times. Kitaboo Reader App powers the on-the go training delivery needs of learners spread across countries and time zones for the firm.
  • User-friendly Features
    With millennials now a significant percentage of the global workforce, it is important for training firms to refresh their training content & delivery methods. With an intuitive interface, learners are now able to browse through the content and use the interactive features with ease.
  • Cost Savings and Increased ROI
    Digital content authoring and distribution resulted in large savings on printing costs. Cost of printing, shipping and material handling reduced significantly.
  • Competitive Business Advantage
    The white label app guides sales professionals enrolled for training to a convenient just-in-time macro, micro and nanolearning. This resulted in improved learning outcomes with higher learner engagement.


Kitaboo provided the customer with an all-in-one training app with enriched content. Kitaboo not only met their training needs, but also proved profitable for the client as it helped them achieve cost savings and increased their training ROI. We developed innovative interactivities and offered responsive content to boost user engagement. With uninterrupted access to the learning content, the client could maximize the quality and efficiency of their training delivery. Kitaboo has helped the sales training firm to enhance their training performance by giving their users an intuitive, engaging and compelling learning application.