
The client is a renowned children’s publisher that produces innovative titles from the best authors and illustrators, in a variety of formats and genres. As content is accessed on various digital platforms today, interactive e-books are a medium to unshackle learning from the monotony of print and make it more contextual and immersive. With an increase in eBook adoption, the publisher wanted to move towards digitization with the twin aim to make learning more engaging for the children and increase its reach in global and local markets.

The client wanted a robust and proven platform that would help convert the existing library of books into fixed-layout eBooks. Hurix Digital’s cloud-based e-publishing platform Kitaboo was the perfect fit to convert 2000 titles from PDFs to Fixed-Layout ePUB format. Moreover, the client needed the e-books to be compatible with their custom developed reader.

Business Challenges

  • Converting 2000 PDF titles (125,000 pages) 1 into eBooks in a tight time frame of 4 months
  • Creating design-oriented eBooks with three different layouts and fonts
  • Making functions compatible for different operating systems and 3 browsers and with the client’s customized eBook reader
  • Modifying and reconverting titles to meet revised specifications along the course of the project within the existing time frame.
  • Working within a fixed layout of Kitaboo.

KITABOO Solution and Approach

KITABOO Digital partnered with the client to build a digitized library of its existing titles, expand reach and derive business profitability.
KITABOO Digital devised a plan in accordance with the time-sensitive nature of the project:

  • Customizing and updating Kitaboo to convert PDF files into eBooks
  • Providing three different layouts and fonts to stimulate interest of lower and middle grade children.
  • Ensuring function compatibility with the client’s customized reader

Powered by KITABOO, KITABOO Digital was able to automate almost all processes and complete the task of converting 125,000 PDF pages into eBooks within a time frame of 4 months, while constantly modifying and reconverting 90 titles to meet new specifications, with no change in the project delivery schedule.

A core team of developers wrote special code to create three different templates with different
design layouts and fonts to make eBooks engaging for children.

Key Benefits

  • Enabled the client to expand reach of its current product offering in global and local markets.
  • Enabled creation of eBooks with the same look-and-feel of the input PDF files.
  • Empowered the client to provide an engaging and immersive learning experience to their end-users.
  • Enabled students to access eBooks anywhere, anytime on multiple browsers and devices.


Powered by Hurix Digital’s expertise and its award-winning proprietary platform Kitaboo, the client could digitalize its content and introduce eBooks in the market, thus fulfilling its vision to expand reach and help children everywhere learn through the new technologies while maintaining the expected level of quality.