KITABOO Instant Content Delivery Across Platforms Triples Growth for Dental Training Center in the US


  • Limited to single device and OS (iPad)
  • Need for Single Sign On (SSO) integration
  • Self-hosted server limitations


  • Multi-platform reader (iOS, Android, Windows) for increased device compatibility
  • Provided SSO solution for enhanced user experience and security
  • Cloud-hosted platform for improved accessibility and scalability


Accessibility for Dental Training

The dental education centre was initially restricted to iPad devices, significantly limiting their reach and engagement with dental students and professionals. KITABOO addressed this challenge by implementing a multi-platform reader compatible with iOS, Android, and Windows. This solution expanded device compatibility, leading to a substantial increase in user count, and improved the overall dental training experience.

KITABOO: A proven high scale digital textbook platform

Deployed in more than 20 countries

More than 34 million API calls daily

More than 1 Million eBooks delivered

More than 5 Million Active Users

99.97% Guaranteed Uptime

GDPR Ready

Seamless Authentication

with SSO for Dental Professionals

To improve user experience and streamline access for busy dental professionals, the centre needed to integrate Single Sign On (SSO) functionality. KITABOO provided a robust SSO solution to meet this need. The implementation resulted in one-click access to multiple dental education applications, improved security measures, and a streamlined workflow for continuing dental training purposes. This also increased overall system security and user satisfaction.

Cloud-Based Hosting for

Global Dental Community

The dental education centre’s self-hosted server was restricting their ability to reach a wider audience of dental professionals globally and scale their operations efficiently. KITABOO offered their cloud-hosted platform as a solution to this limitation. By migrating to a cloud-based infrastructure, the centre expanded its reach to a broader spectrum of dental students, educators, and practitioners worldwide. This transition also resulted in significant cost and time savings, while improving accessibility and navigation for all users.

Remarkable Growth in Dental

Training Reach

The dental education centre experienced significant user growth after implementing KITABOO’s solutions:

  • User base tripled over the last one year.
  • The learning centre trained over 4000 dental practitioners in the last one year.

By adopting KITABOO’s innovative solutions, the dental training centre successfully transitioned from a single-device platform to a versatile, multi-platform ecosystem for dental learning. This digital transformation not only tripled their user base of dental professionals over the last one year but also maintained strong growth, with an impressive 4000+ dental practitioners trained in the last year alone. KITABOO’s cloud-hosted, SSO-enabled platform proved to be a game-changer, allowing the centre to expand its reach, improve accessibility of dental education resources, and solidify its position as a leader in advanced dental education and training.