Revolutionize Your Association’s Global Reach at ASAE Annual Meeting & Exposition 2024

Unlock the Future of Member Engagement with KITABOO’s AI-Powered Publishing platform

Meet us at #ASAE24, Booth #252 in Cleveland, OH | August 10-13

Visit us to learn:

  1. Print to Digital Transformation: Convert static documents into captivating, multimedia-rich eBooks.
  2. Seamless Content Delivery: Publish across all devices with just one click.
  3. Engagement Amplified: Watch AI turn passive readers into active learners, boosting participation and retention.
  4. Global Reach: Reach members worldwide with content that adapts to any device or platform.
  5. Data-Driven Insights: Leverage robust analytics to understand member preferences and optimize your offerings.


Exclusive ASAE’24 Offer: Be one of the first 50 to schedule a meeting and unlock a complimentary 30-day trial of our premium features! 

Ready to Pioneer the Digital Learning Revolution?

Fill in your details on this page to secure your 15-minute demo at our booth.

Bonus: Every walk-in enters you for a chance to win an iPad. Transform your association’s reach and potentially walk away with the latest tech!