How can publishing face-up the mobile challenge?
How can publishing face-up the mobile challenge? let's find out
In this fast-paced digital world, the biggest challenge facing publishers, especially the traditional ones, is the need to adapt quickly and to tailor their efforts to match-up to the mobile technology. This could also mean that publishers may need to alter approach they were accustomed to operating earlier and/or adopt new methodologies.
In his article on The Guardian, Jonny Kaldor, CEO, and co-founder of Kaldor shares his opinions about the need for publishers to change quickly. He conjointly shares some ways, mentioned below, which he feels could pave the way to success for publishers.
Firstly, consistent with Jonny, publishers need to face the fact as we move from print to a digital future, it will be imperative they also move to an editorial process where structured content is delivered across multiple channels from one central source.
Secondly, publishers have to recognize the importance of delivering content when consumers want it.
Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, publishers need to work out how their brand can deliver additional services that help move beyond traditional print content basically through the use of mobile technologies.
To access the complete article, click here.
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