Attano has been a pioneer in education space in India realizing the importance of eBooks since its inception in the year 2009. To be India’s first Interactive Educational eBook store Attano required a scalable and robust eBooks store to power its operations. A store that today helps Attano offer most up to date content from leading publishers and content providers to reach over 100,000 students.


Attano was a content aggregator which provided digital content from various solution providers to schools and colleges. They wanted to enter the eBooks segment for educational material, which in itself provided several challenges for them.
While they had tie-ups with leading publishers and content providers, they needed a platform which could convert the vast amount of legacy content to interactive eBooks and that too at a pace which would match the incoming stream of new books and educational material.
How could this content be distributed to students securely across various platforms including web and the upcoming mobile platforms that were just getting popular?


While the solution could not be developed in-house, Attano required a partner which could not only help it in its requirements but also shape its go to market strategy for its eBooks platform.
Hurix and Attano worked closely to define the specifications for the production process which was powered by Kitaboo®’s eBook conversion platform.
Since webstore was the most important cornerstone for Attano, Hurix proposed to customize its white label eBook store according to their requirements. The content for the website, encrypted and stored on a secure server could only be accessed by the authorized users using Digital Rights Management (DRM). Webstore also supported dynamic download of content, allowing users to resume/pause the downloading of content depending on network availability.
To complete the client branding of the eBooks ecosystem for Attano, Hurix customized the White label reader apps for multiple platforms to suit their needs.


By being able to convert the content to eBooks at a rate of up to 20000 pages per day, Attano was able to reach the critical mass that it aimed to grow at. The eBook web store provided the users a easy way to buy eBooks, whereas the DRM protected content meant that Attano did not have to worry about illegal distribution of content.