KITABOO – Providing Insightful Learning Analytics in an eBook Reader
The learning analytics feature in KITABOO enables publishers to gather and analyze data on how the audience is using eBook readers across different devices. It works similar to how Google Analytics works for web pages.
With the help of eBook analytics, you can analyze and visualize the following data:
- eBook reading speed
- Duration of reading sessions
- Number of clicks to the images or links in the eBook
- Time of the day when a learner reads the eBook
- The position where they stop reading the eBook
The data displayed by KITABOO is for both classrooms and individual readers.
Top Benefits of Learning Analytics
The data collected can be used:
- To make editorial improvements
- To decide how to position and promote the eBook
- To compare the data of one book with other books in the same genre
- To track the interactions and reading style of participants
- To create engaging content
- To outperform the competition
- Form a deeper understanding of the learner’s needs
- To track and evaluate content consumption
KITABOO helps you keep track of delivery patterns and courseware consumption using the in-built analytics tool. Therefore, publishers can then personalize and improvise the content based on the progress and interest levels of the readers.
How to Build an eBook Store
Some More Advantages of Learning Analytics:
Track eBook performance
In the earlier days, it took months for publishers to determine how their books were performing. However, in today’s digital publishing age, eBook publishing platforms like KITABOO enable publishers to leverage real-time user behavior.
The learning analytics tool offered by KITABOO provides you with valuable statistics, including active users’ reports, unique views, most popular books, etc.
Therefore, you can monitor user engagement using KITABOO’s real-time dashboard.
Here’s how you can view eBook analytics by KITABOO:
- Sign in with your admin account
- Go to the list view on your KITABOO dashboard
- For a particular title, you can view the total number of licenses, number of licenses distributed, and the remaining licenses
- If you click on ‘Distributed,’ for example, it will show you the names of people who currently have the license for a particular title
- You can also view the total number of people who have consumed the content and those who are yet to
- Other learning analytics you can see are total sessions, average time spent, and average coverage
Monitor student analytics
To view learner analytics of a classroom or each student:
- Sign in with your KITABOO account
- Move your cursor over to a book thumbnail and click ‘More info’
- In the next step, click on the ‘Analytics’ button
- On the dashboard, you can view classroom-level analytics and student-level analytics
- To view student-level analytics, simply click on the student’s name to analyze the average pages read, average reading time, average reading session, average notes shared/created, average resources viewed, average highlights shared, average pages read per session, average reading time per session, books opened/assigned, and more.
You can manage and evaluate the analytics of multiple classes as well as multiple students on KITABOO.
Identify content that performs well
Insightful learning analytics helps you identify the top-performing content. It can help you examine what worked for your target audience.
Whether it’s an eLearning course, eBook, or employee training content, KITABOO analytics helps you determine which content received the highest engagement. Based on the insights, you can realign your content strategy to the interests of your audience.
For instance, if you have an eBook store, you can determine which eBooks were most downloaded and viewed. Similarly, higher-ed content developers and publishers can modify the content based on the engagement received on the current eLearning course.
Try to mimic the features and qualities of your top-performing content. Was it the design that grabbed the reader’s attention? Was it the embedded links and videos? Was the content itself engagement-worthy?
Analytics help you answer these questions.
Devise effective marketing strategies
You can plan an effective marketing strategy to reach more people based on total engagement time, page views received, and time spent on content.
You can leverage social media for your marketing activities to increase your reader base and hook your existing readers. Generation Z and millennials are social-media savvy, and most of them are active on at least one platform.
Therefore, using the power of learning analytics, you can develop new marketing strategies or improve the existing ones to grow your pool of readers.
Analyze user engagement with multimedia
A typical interactive eBook is sprinkled with multimedia elements such as hyperlinks and videos. These elements play a huge role in driving up reader engagement. KITABOO learning analytics not only helps you track overall eBook engagement but also monitor user engagement with multimedia.
The popular eBook publishing platform allows you to view insights such as time spent on a video. This allows analyzing if the video was compelling enough. These insights work for hyperlinks as well. For example, KITABOO shows you which links were clicked the most. If a specific multimedia element fails to grab the reader’s attention, you can either modify or replace it.
In conclusion
Learning analytics plays a pivotal role in the eBook publishing strategy. Without the correct data and insights, you can’t create a map to success. Data and analytics allow you to gain a deeper understanding of the learner’s behavior.
And that allows you to devise winning business strategies that are based on insights and not just instincts. By leveraging key information on the total unique views, user engagement, and the number of purchases, you can optimize the content for your readers or learners.
Hence, publishers must collect relevant data to optimize their content and improve their marketing strategies based on user preferences. Using KITABOO, you can save time and resources incurred on doing the data collection and analysis yourself.
Discover how a mobile-first training platform can help your organization.
KITABOO is a cloud-based platform to create, deliver & track mobile-first interactive training content.