Trusted by Libraries, Publishers, and Educational Institutions Worldwide

The Ultimate eBook Platform

Create, Manage, Distribute, and Read eBooks in One Powerful Ecosystem

Welcome to KITABOO, the comprehensive eBook platform that revolutionizes how you interact with digital content. Whether you’re a library looking to expand your digital offerings, a publisher seeking the best eBook publishing platform, or a reader in search of a seamless reading experience, KITABOO has you covered.

With KITABOO, you’ll unlock:

  • Intuitive eBook creation tools
  • Robust content management system
  • Secure distribution channels
  • Engaging reading interface

Experience the full lifecycle of eBooks in one integrated platform.

From manuscript to reader’s device, KITABOO streamlines every step of the eBook journey.

Ready to elevate your eBook experience?

Let KITABOO be your gateway to the future of digital reading and publishing.

KITABOO: A proven high scale digital textbook platform

Deployed in more than 20 countries

More than 34 million API calls daily

More than 1 Million eBooks delivered

More than 5 Million Active Users

99.97% Guaranteed Uptime

GDPR Ready


Expand your digital collection with ease. Our platform is designed to integrate seamlessly with library systems.

Publisher’s Paradise

Create, protect, and distribute your eBooks efficiently with our comprehensive publishing tools.

KITABOO: A proven high scale digital textbook platform

Deployed in more than 20 countries

Why Readers and Educators Choose KITABOO

Comprehensive Solution

A single platform for creating, managing, distributing, and reading eBooks.

Library Integration

Easy-to-use tools for libraries to manage digital collections and patron access.

Publishing Tools

Robust features for publishers to create, edit, and enhance eBooks.

Secure Distribution

Advanced DRM to protect content and manage access rights.

Interactive Reading Experience

Engage readers with multimedia elements and interactive features.

Analytics and Insights

Track usage, engagement, and performance of your eBook collection.

Multi-device Support

Access eBooks on any device with a consistent, optimized experience.

Customization Options

Tailor the platform to match your brand and specific needs.

Accessibility Features

Ensure your eBooks are available to all readers with inclusive design.


KITABOO offers features tailored for libraries, including patron management, lending systems, and integration with existing library catalogs.

KITABOO provides a complete ecosystem for publishers, from creation tools to distribution channels, with robust DRM protection and analytics.

Yes, KITABOO supports offline reading, allowing users to download eBooks for access without an internet connection.

KITABOO offers interactive features, customizable reading interfaces, note-taking tools, and multimedia integration to create an engaging reading experience.

Absolutely! KITABOO is widely used in education, offering features for interactive textbooks, student engagement tracking, and integration with learning management systems.

KITABOO employs advanced DRM and encryption technologies to ensure that eBooks are protected from unauthorized access and distribution.

Yes, KITABOO supports various eBook formats, including ePub, PDF, and interactive HTML5 content.

Yes, KITABOO can be customized and branded to match your institution's look and feel, providing a seamless experience for your users.

KITABOO includes features like text-to-speech, adjustable text sizes and contrasts, and keyboard navigation to ensure accessibility for all users.

Yes, KITABOO offers APIs and integration options to connect with library management systems, learning management systems, and other existing platforms.

Experience the power of KITABOO's comprehensive eBook platform. Whether you're a library expanding your digital offerings, a publisher seeking the best publishing tools, or a reader looking for an enhanced reading experience, KITABOO has everything you need. Try it now and revolutionize your eBook ecosystem!