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Mastering eBook Publishing: Essential Tips for Success!

What defines the success of an eBook publication? There are several metrics that digital publishers leverage to answer that question. For example, the number of purchases or the number of new sign-ons or subscriptions. The truth is that there is a lot that goes into creating and publishing a successful eBook.

eBook publishing may look complicated at first glance, but with the use of the right digital publishing technologies like KITABOO, it is possible to achieve publishing success. There are simple tips and steps that you can follow as a guideline to increase the possibilities of your eBook publications becoming a success.

Let’s understand what makes an eBook successful, and take a look at seven key publishing tips that drive success.

Table of Contents

I. What Makes an eBook Successful?

II. 7 Tips to Publish a Successful eBook

  1. Create a Stunning User Experience
  2. Ensure eBook Compatibility With Target Devices
  3. Enable Enhanced and Advanced Features
  4. Use The Right Formats
  5. Discuss The Copyrights, Distribution, and Licensing Beforehand
  6. Design a Captivating Cover
  7. Provide Chapter Summaries

III. KITABOO: An End-to-End Digital Publishing Platform

What Makes an eBook Successful?

The modern eBook comprises not just text and images but a plethora of other multimedia content that enhances the levels of reader engagement. Elements like infographics, animations, gamified quizzes, and even AR/VR compatibility have transformed reading experiences for eBook viewers.

Keeping that in mind, the modern definitions of eBook success have evolved a little since their inception. For example, the components listed below now form the baseline for the features an eBook must have for it to remain in competition and vie for success:

  • A well-structured table of contents that allows readers to seamlessly navigate through the book.
  • Social sharing buttons throughout the text using which the readers can share the content they like on their social media channels (for example, “Tweet this excerpt”).
  • A title and blurb that aren’t just catchy, but actionable and insightful as to what the reader can take home from this eBook.
  • The contact information for the publisher and, if possible, for the author for the readers to get in touch with them in case they have queries.

Incorporating the elements discussed above into your eBooks helps provide more depth to the publication. It is an excellent way to create a reputable publisher image in the market.

7 Tips to Publish a Successful eBook

In addition to ensuring that your eBooks contain all the elements that a modern reader expects, you can go a step further to ensure that you master eBook publishing.

Discussed below are seven key tips for eBook publishing success:

1. Create a Stunning User Experience

User experience has assumed center stage in product design – be it an app or an eBook. To be able to do that, it is essential to gather data pertaining to eBook usage patterns, preferences, and behavior.

According to reports, 15% of digital publishers today consider implementing tech-based solutions to generate a 360° view of their audience. This data is a great enabler for designing excellent user experiences.

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2. Ensure eBook Compatibility With Target Devices

Considering the practical angle of eBook publishing, your target audience has a plethora of choices to access your eBooks. They can use desktops, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, or even devices like Kindle readers to read.

For the success of your eBook publishing business, it is thus essential to select eBook apps and formats that are device-agnostic. Selecting platforms that provide you with cross-platform product compatibility makes for a good ingredient for success.

3. Enable Enhanced and Advanced Features

It is important to understand the features and elements of eBooks that your target audience is actively seeking. For example, read-aloud features or animated infographics may be the two elements your audience interacts with the most.

Understanding audience preferences and aligning them with advanced features helps create a unique reading experience that is memorable for the users. You can experiment with innovating with advanced features in a way that delivers to the audience the tools they prefer to use while reading.

4. Use The Right Formats

One of the most important aspects that determine the success of eBook publishing is the format of the eBook and how transferable it is.

Some users like to use smaller screens to read, while others read on their laptops. The hardware capabilities of these devices are different, which makes it hard to optimize the contents of the eBook to be compatible with both.

While the text itself is displayed properly, and the eBook is accessed well, it could still create problems for the multimedia.

The animations that a laptop can render perfectly may not work on a mobile phone – and it impacts the success of that eBook. Ensure that the formats you are using perform well over a variety of device capabilities.

5. Discuss the Copyrights, Distribution, and Licensing Beforehand

One of the success metrics that define the performance of an eBook is how well it sells on the market. Loose licensing and loss of control over unauthorized distribution can lead to piracy and misuse of the eBook in ways that take away from your revenues.

It is essential to have a detailed discussion about IP rights, licensing, and distribution of the eBook to measure its success.

6. Design a Captivating Cover

People do judge a book by its cover, which is why it is important to onboard professional cover designers to create a stunning cover for your eBook. The cover should not only have a title that catches the eye, but the selected colors and font should be a reflection of the learning the eBook aims to deliver to the readers.

7. Provide Chapter Summaries

For some eBooks (like books for coursework), it makes a huge difference to the reading experience simply by providing concise chapter summaries at the beginning of each chapter. It helps the readers quickly round up what they would learn from the chapter, helping enhance and reinforce their learning and experience from the very start.

KITABOO: An End-to-End Digital Publishing Platform

Digital publishing has progressed by leaps and bounds in terms of technology and efficiency. It is possible to design stunning eBooks and measure their success easily using comprehensive digital publishing platforms like KITABOO.

KITABOO provides digital publishers with the power of total control over their eBooks with tools that enable:

  • eBook creation
  • Distribution across a variety of channels and devices
  • Centralized control over deployed apps and the data they gather
  • Robust analytics and deep insight into internal performance and customers’ usage behaviors

KITABOO digital publishing platform can help your eBook publishing business achieve the success you envisioned. Request a demo to know more.

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Vishal Dani

Vishal Dani

Vishal is the Senior Vice President and Head - Cloud Platforms & Technology at KITABOO. He leads the product development group and technology solutions. More posts by Vishal Dani