5 Things you MUST do While Creating an Interactive eBook
When people hear information, they’re likely to remember only 10% of that information three days later. However, if a relevant image is paired with that same information, people retained 65% of the information three days later.
Surprising, right? These numbers speak of the importance of having an interactive eBook. When you wish to create interactive eBook, it’s necessary that you must do it the right way so that the purpose is served.
5 things you must do While Creating an Interactive eBook to Keep Your Readers Engaged Throughout -
1. You Must have an Engaging Storyline:
Being able to keep readers engaged is one of the important attributes of an eBook. It can’t be achieved by simply adding media files, but having an interesting storyline is important as well. An interesting storyline will be able to do justice to the media files, such as audio, video, image, etc. While drafting the storyline, keep in mind your audience and media files you are planning to link to your content.
2. Amalgamation of Content and Media:
The difference between physical or a conventional book and eBook is interactivity. As a publisher, you have the freedom to add media files to your eBook. However, the trick is to get the perfect amalgamation of content and media files. It depends upon the subject and the content of the book, but make sure you’re providing right amount of text and media to your reader thus to keep them engaged.
3. You Should Add a Call to Action Button:
While the main purpose of the eBook is to educate the reader and provide them with relevant information, as a publisher, you can leverage it to connect with your reader as well. It can be achieved by placing the right call to action buttons in the eBook. This call to action button can either lead them to your website for latest books updates, subscribe to the newsletter or even take them to the books with similar theme or subject.
How To Create An Interactive eBook
4. Landscape and Portrait:
You don’t know how your reader would be reading your eBook – landscape or portrait, mobile or table or laptop. Hence, it’s always better to be prepared than to end up giving your reader a not-so-good experience. It’s always suggested to consider both modes whilst creating an eBook, unless you want your reader to read it in certain mode. A great user experience will surely bring them back to you, time and again.
5. Your Aesthetically Appealing :
Your target audience, students and professionals, have access to a lot of aesthetically appealing content on the Internet. It’s a known fact that visually appealing content grabs attention. While you’re stressing on making an interactive eBook, spend some time to make it aesthetically appealing by adding colors, impressive font, font size, structure, paragraph, and others.
With reducing attention span, publishers must evolve to keep their readers engaged with interactive eBooks. Above pointers are some of the essentials that one needs to keep in mind of while creating an interactive eBook. Follow them and make the most of your eBook.
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