Top 7 Benefits of Mobile First Content for Your Sales Team
Mobile devices are changing business dynamics on a broad scale. People access their meeting calendars, book appointments and check emails on their smartphones and tablets. Mobile devices have become a constant companion which keeps you updated in this constantly evolving digital world. How then, can you afford your sales team not having access to mobile-first content? Wherever they go, they are promoting your business and your product. So, isn’t it necessary that they stay updated and well informed all the time?
Your sales team is the face of your company. When they go for a sales meeting, their sole objective is to turn the prospective customer into a client. But how do you accomplish that? Waxing eloquent about your product or service will not work. The customer needs information that helps him solve a problem. And having a mobile-first content will enable your sales rep to deliver that information.
Imagine a customer walking into your furniture store and after finalizing two models of arm chairs, they want the salesperson to explain their respective features and differences. You would expect the sales rep to promptly start describing the features and how it would suit the customer’s lifestyle or their homes. Instead, if the salesperson is at a loss for words or doesn’t seem to know enough about the product, your customer won’t be impressed. Therefore, it’s essential that your sales team is well equipped with information.
Top 7 Benefits of Developing Mobile-first Content for Your Sales Team -
1. Quick Access to Content:
Let’s consider the example stated above. If that sales rep had a mobile device with all information about the product in it, then s/he probably would not have appeared ill-prepared in front of the customer. S/he could just unlock the mobile device and glide through the slides, informing the customers about the latest features and other interesting information.
The sales team is always on the move, and they have to attend several meetings and come across many people in a day. It is quite possible that they may not remember certain details about the product. Mobile content comes quite handy in such a situation. They do not have to ask or call other sales reps to come to their aid, nor would they have to make the “I’ll get back to you” excuse. The customers can immediately have all the information they want.
2. Make a Sales Pitch Anywhere:
When you work for a company, you represent the organization. Your sales team don’t always have to be in office or on field in order to make a sale. People use mobile phones every day and everywhere. Even if your salesperson is on a vacation, he can still get you a client. They can use their mobile device to show what your product or service is like, and what are the benefits it offers. They don’t have to be too salesy about it. But just the right amount of information can turn a prospect into your new client. With information and specifications at their fingertips they can make sales anywhere and get you new business opportunities.
3. Immediate Access to the Latest Information:
Internet is the best source for receiving latest updates. No sooner does a new product launch, or a new update is released, it’s all over the internet. This can be of huge benefit to your sales team. The sales team is required to have latest information about new and existing products. Because in order to stay in the competition and boost the sales of their products they need to stay updated.
The salespeople may not get time to collaborate with each other and catch up on latest happenings in their field of work. But as long as they have a mobile device with them with a good enough internet connection, they can receive instant updates. So, whenever there’s a new product or an updated product in the market, your sales team would instantly be notified of it. You can then update your sales presentations accordingly.
4. Provide an Augmented Experience:
Using augmented reality means taking customer experience to the next level. With augmented reality enabled mobile device you can show your clients and customers an enhanced view of the product or service. Let’s take the example we started with. If you can have an AR app to display an enhanced visual of your product, it would help the client in viewing its additional features. For example, if it is wooden chair that you are selling, the augmented reality version of the chair can have labels and descriptions listing out the type of wood, year of make etc. The Ikea place, for example, allows customers to see how a product would look in their home with help of an augmented reality app. Some apparel brands have installed AR mirrors in their stores, so the customers can view how the clothes look on them without actually trying them on.
If your sales team can showcase your product or service on an AR app, clients will have a better understanding of what you have on offer. And it will also give them an immersive experience, helping in their decision-making process.
5. On the Go Training:
Amidst all the meetings and appointments, the Sales team might not get time to attend a full-fledged training session. Then how do we arrange for their training when they have a time crunch? Mobile devices come to your rescue, yet again. Mobile training is not a new thing. Enterprises and educational institutes are using mobile training for their busy learners. So you can do the same to deliver sales training to your team. It is time saving and efficient. Mobile training is designed for people on the go.
Short knowledge nuggets are created so that learners can read it anytime and anywhere. This helps them stay informed and updated, without impacting their work schedules. You can include short videos and audio files as well to keep the training engaging. Mobile phones can be equipped with presentations and videos about the product, so that they can be accessed anytime and anywhere, in between meetings, while travelling, while taking a break etc. The sales professionals can always refresh their knowledge and stay updated with all the facts and figures.
6. Faster Response Time:
People want immediate solutions. If you call up the customer service guy today, and he tells you that he will resolve your problem tomorrow, surely you won’t be happy about it. Similarly, a client might have questions that they may want to ask later. At such a time, the salesperson must be available to answer their doubts. Hence, it is imperative that your sales team is always reachable. And what better way than a mobile device? The clients can always reach the sales guys for queries or the salesperson can follow up with their prospective clients by way of a phone call or an email. Either way, they both get to stay in touch, and this is very essential for a business collaboration.
How to Create Mobile-Friendly Training Content
7. Track the Goals of your Employees:
You can have a real-time view of your sales team’s performance. With a mobile application, you can track their goals and give them appropriate feedback whenever required. Employees can also view their monthly or quarterly objectives and work towards achieving their goals. This helps everyone stay on course and achieve their targets. The sales team is always under pressure to crack a deal and bring in new clients. With a comprehensive view of their targets in front of them, they will know how much they have achieved and how much more effort they need to put in, and they can strategize accordingly.
Developing mobile first content for sales team helps them in presenting the products to the clients in a better way. The sales team can show the clients an interactive PowerPoint presentation or a video about the product on their mobile phones or tablets.
Mobile-first content is mainly being developed for its ease of accessibility. Also, because it provides just in time information to the salesperson, helping them confidently present information to the clients.
A mobile-first content strategy helps the sales team to make that perfect sales pitch. A salesperson must come across as a trusted advisor who is helping the customer make the right choice. With all possible information at one place, it becomes easier for them to come across as knowledgeable and credible. Going by our first example, if your sales rep had a mobile-first content, the customer would have detailed information about both the products, Augmented Reality would help him see which chair looks good in his living room, and based on all the specifications, he can make an informed decision. He’d be happy with your product, and your sales rep just gave you another happy and satisfied customer.
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KITABOO is a cloud-based platform to create, deliver & track mobile-first interactive training content.