What are the Advanced Automation Testing Technologies Adopted by KITABOO?
As digital transformation gains ground there is great demand for software testing. More and more enterprises are integrating IT into their business systems to innovate, automate their processes, achieve cost-efficiencies and gain a competitive edge. Cloud computing, business analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data are just some of the technologies bringing about digital transformation. Implementing IT solutions require huge investments and any defect in the systems or downtime can cost the businesses dear in terms of revenue and reputation. Therefore, it is very important that the software functions are flawless and function seamlessly. The same too holds true for software updates. Automation testing is therefore essential to ensure that the software does what it is expected to do.
Software testing, or QA testing, is crucial at all phases of the software development cycle. Software testing engineers validate and verify the artifacts and behaviors of the software under test to ensure that it performs exactly what it is meant to perform. These test reports allow businesses to understand the associated risks of software implementation.
There are two types of QA testing, manual testing, and automated testing. In manual testing, humans perform the tests step by step without test scripts. In automated testing, software and tools perform the tests based on automation frameworks. The emergence of Industry4.0 technologies has shifted focus to automation testing. Automated testing has become crucial to speed up the release cycles, continuous delivery, increase the test coverage and ensure a high-quality release.
Manual Testing v/s Automated Testing
With shortening developing cycles, automated testing helps to keep up in speed with the constant stream of releases. However, manual testing is equally critical – it helps to understand the end-user perspectives and identify the defects before it becomes consumer-facing. Therefore, to speed up your software release cycles while maintaining quality, you need to find the right balance between manual and automated testing.
With automation testing, you can increase the speed of the test cycles. Manual testing, on the other hand, is more attentive and sensitive to the end-user perspective. Both manual testing and automation testing are integral to the testing process and are not a replacement for each other. Manual testing is ideal to handle complex tests while automation testing works best for repetitive tasks. Using a combination of manual testing and automation testing can make your testing process more efficient. Therefore, both manual testing and automated testing are crucial to developing a perfect solution.
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In this backdrop, we look at the advanced testing technologies adopted for KITABOO, a leading digital publishing platform. KITABOO has found use with reputed publishers, academic institutions, and the corporate sector in creating and delivering course content and eBooks. KITABOO implements both manual and automation testing to maintain quality and speed up software release cycles. The testing plan for KITABOO incorporates both during and after development manual and automated testing. This ensures that this digital publishing tool functions smoothly with minimum downtime.
6 Advanced testing technologies adopted by KITABOO
Project REST Services:
This includes both functional and performance of Restful APIs. Hurix has created a Sanity script that covers all the services testing on a regular basis when there is a software update and new release.
Log in and book launch script:
There is a separate login and book launch script for all individual clients. These scripts are executed on the day KITABOO is released to ensure they work properly for all customers.
Manual testing:
Manual testing is done for the sprint tickets. The testing team then provides the automation team with all the test cases for the sprint ticket. The automation team further adds and runs test cases provided in the Automation script.
KITABOO Studio Micro-services:
The micro-services are first tested manually for performance, functionality, and security. In the next step, they undergo automation testing.
Functional and UI testing is first performed manually to ensure a stable build. Manual testing is very important here since it involves certain complex tasks that can only be tested with human intervention. The UI then undergoes automated testing to detect any further flaws.
The manual testing team implements test cases against the features which are released.
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KITABOO uses both manual and automation testing to deliver smooth performance with minimum downtime. The manual team is involved in the primary testing of all features from the functional and performance perspectives. The automation team, on the other hand, subjects KITABOO to Sanity and Regression testing and also conducts the sanity script of UI using Selenium and Services script using new frameworks in rest assured.
In Conclusion
QA testing is very crucial at all phases of the software development cycle including design, build, document, test, deploy, and maintain. Testing allows developers to identify defects and leakages during and the post-development phases. Primarily, there are two ways of software testing, manual testing, and automated testing. Manual testing is conducted by humans who perform step-by-step testing. Needless to say, this testing is time-consuming, and it is more focused on attention and consumer-facing perspectives. Manually created and executed tests are better able to handle the more complex and nuanced scenarios.
Automated testing, on the other hand, is ideal to conduct more tests in less time. It is essential to speed up the release cycles, continuous delivery, increase the test coverage and ensure a high-quality release. Also, it is more cost-effective for continuous testing. All being said, automation testing increases productivity while manual testing can handle more complex cases.
Both manual testing and automation testing are crucial and that is why KITABOO is subjected to continuous automated and manual testing. Here, it is also important to emphasize the need for continuous testing or the practice of running automated tests at regular intervals. These tests lead to faster feedback, allowing developers to identify and resolve defects quickly. Continuous testing is effective only in a regularly updated testing environment, so this is why KITABOO has implemented a standard practice to deploy smaller code updates frequently to ensure it is defect-free. To know more, please write to us at contact@kitaboo.com
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