drm software

Ultimate Guide to DRM Software for eBook Protection

As the world becomes increasingly digital, online content consumption has skyrocketed. Online content mediums, such as eBooks, have become popular and are projected to cater to more than a billion users by 2027. On the market front, the eBook industry is expected to generate more than $15 billion by 2027.

On the other hand, increasing digitalization has brought the threats of online piracy, theft, and copyright infringement to the forefront, creating a pressing need for protective measures. 

To combat these threats and meet the demand, digital platforms like KITABOO have come up with DRM protection software. 

In this blog, we will delve into what DRM software is, how it protects eBooks from piracy, and how you can benefit from using DRM software. 

Table of Contents:

I. What is DRM Software? 

II. How Does DRM Software Protect Your eBooks? 

III. Benefits of Using DRM Software

IV. The End Note

What is DRM Software?

DRM, or Digital Rights Management software, helps authors, publishers, and educational institutions protect their eBooks from unauthorized access and distribution. 

DRM software uses technological measures to prevent online piracy and protect your intellectual property, ensuring that you earn the revenue you deserve for your eBooks.

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How Does DRM Software Protect Your eBooks?

eBook DRM software employs a variety of measures, ranging from encryption to watermarking, to protect your eBooks from piracy and theft. Let’s explore these measures in detail. 

  • Encryption: DRM software uses algorithms to encrypt the content of eBooks, ensuring people without decryption keys can’t access the content. Only people with proper decryption keys can unlock the eBook files, preserving access to eBook content for only an authorized few. 
  • Licensing: DRM software helps manage access to digital content. To gain access to the protected content, people need to get permission from the author or publisher of the content. Either person grants access in the form of digital certificates and license keys. 
  • Access Control: DRM software enables content creators to create and enforce access control policies. These policies specify the conditions and permissions under which people can access the content. Some examples of access control mechanisms are password-protected access, time-limited access, and restricted access for printing and viewing content. 
  • Watermarking: DRM software uses watermarking techniques to reduce the unauthorized distribution of eBooks. Watermarks contain information about the author or publisher and the details of the user. If a digital file is copied or shared illegally, watermarks help trace and identify the unauthorized source and prevent further misuse.

Benefits of Using DRM Software

Using DRM software has a number of benefits, not only for your eBooks but also for your brand. Let’s discuss them one by one. 

Enables Customization of Access

DRM software enables you to customize access to content. This means you get to decide who views your content, how many times they view it, whether they can print or edit it, etc. This sort of customization helps you control access to content and tailor your content to meet the needs of your readers. 

Protects the Authenticity of Content

Unlike physical books, eBooks can easily be modified, edited, and sold to unsuspecting readers as someone else’s work. Using DRM software can prevent this from happening and protect the authenticity of your content. 

When people read authentic content written by the author, it generates credibility for the author and, eventually, loyalty to the author’s brand.

Tracks eBook Usage

Besides protecting your eBooks, DRM software enables you to track eBook usage. This means you can track the level of engagement and number of hours spent by readers on your eBook. You can also get to know about the number of pages read, eBook reading speed, and number of clicks on hyperlinks made by each user. These valuable insights will help you understand readers’ behavior and decide future eBook creation strategies. 

Prevents IP Theft

DRM software safeguards the intellectual property rights (IPR) of authors. It encrypts your eBooks and allows you to control who can access them. Thus, DRM software makes it difficult for unauthorized users to share or distribute your content illegally. In addition, it enables you to find out if authorized users have passed on their authorization to other people and take immediate action. 

Ensures Regulatory Compliance

Before publishing or distributing your eBooks, you need to ensure that they meet the standards set by international regulatory guidelines. DRM software enables you to achieve this standard and meet copyright laws without hassle. It also helps you keep sensitive or personal information confidential and safe and limit access to it to only authorized people. Using DRM software ultimately ensures the legal and ethical distribution of eBooks. 

Supports Cross-Platform Distribution

DRM software, such as the one offered by platforms like KITABOO, enables you to distribute your eBooks across different platforms with ease. Such software is compatible with multiple platforms and enables you to securely distribute your eBooks on platforms such as KITABOO, Barnes & Noble, Google Books, and more. 

Facilitates Secure Global Distribution

Global eBook distribution can be a nerve-wracking process. While distributing your eBooks around the globe, you don’t want them to become prey to illegal means of sharing. Using DRM software can take care of this and enable you to distribute your eBooks in as secure a way as possible. Not only this, but it also assists you in tracing the sources of illegal sharing and taking the right legal action against them.

Protects Revenue

eBook piracy can cause authors and publishers to lose out on their deserved revenues and incur huge amounts of losses. To combat piracy and losses and safeguard revenues, using DRM software becomes paramount.

DRM software supports data encryption and covers eBooks with an additional layer of protection, only allowing users who have bought the eBooks to decrypt and access them with a digital key. In such a way, DRM software protects revenue and increases authors’ and publishers’ potential for making profits.

The End Note

eBook DRM software works as the ultimate additional layer of protection for your eBooks. It enables you to protect eBooks from piracy, control access to digital content, safeguard revenue, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards. 

If you want to securely distribute your eBooks around the globe, outsourcing DRM software solutions from platforms like KITABOO is an excellent idea. 

KITABOO enables you to create interactive and engaging eBooks and protect their content with DRM encryption. It also enables you to securely publish and share your DRM-protected eBooks in more than 30 countries. 

To know more, connect with us today!

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Vishal Dani

Vishal Dani

Vishal is the Senior Vice President and Head - Cloud Platforms & Technology at KITABOO. He leads the product development group and technology solutions. More posts by Vishal Dani