online book publishing

eBook Platform: Choose Your One-Stop Solution For 2024

Did you know that the global eBook market is expected to increase at a CAGR of 1.62%, resulting in a projected market value of $15.33 billion by 2027? Small publishing authors can tap into the rapidly growing eBooks market with the right eBook platform

With the help of the eBook platform, authors get better control over design, packaging, and marketing for more profitable sales. However, finding a platform that offers complete transparency, better royalty, and services to ensure you get the best out of your eBooks can be a hassle and requires a lot of research. 

eBook platforms like KITABOO offer everything a self-publishing author needs to create and distribute their eBooks. But to explore more about the market and what you can get, here is a list of the top best options and what they offer. 

Table of Content 

I. 8 Best eBook Platform Options For Authors in 2024

  2. Kindle Direct Publishing 
  3. Google Play Books 
  4. Apple Books 
  5. Barnes & Noble Press
  6. Smashwords
  7. Rakuten Kobo 
  8. Ingram 

II. Conclusion

8 Best eBook Platform Options For Authors in 2024


KITABOO is a SAAS-based eBook platform offering services like uploading digital content and publishing, converting, and distributing multimedia. The leading eBook platform has served around 15 million users from over 32 countries. KITABOO is also available in 25+ languages, targeting the right audience for the authors. 

The platform offers DRM protection to the content, which can be accessed only using a unique code. This ensures eBooks’ security and online protection across devices and platforms. 

This end-to-end cloud-based platform is ideal for indie authors. Also, they help convert books to interactive ebooks, making them easy to access and connecting them to the targeted readers. 

Their website is accessible for OS and browsers. Besides, the KITABOO eBook Reader app is also available for readers and publishers on the Apple Store, Microsoft Store, Google – Play Store, and Mac App Store. 

2. Kindle Direct Publishing

 Kindle Direct Publishing, or KDP, is an eBook platform owned by Amazon. The readers can easily access the eBooks using a Kindle device or any device with a Kindle app. KDP has stores available in 13 countries and has more than 200 million visitors on each month. 

It’s a highly recommended eBook platform for independent authors or self-publishing. The platform offers multiple options like self-publish eBooks, hardcovers, and paperbacks when publishing eBooks on Amazon. 

Besides publishing it on the Kindle platform, they offer a paperback edition through their KDP Print at no cost. 

3. Google Play Books

Google Play Books is preinstalled on all Android devices, owned by Google, the largest search engine offering the best eBook platform to sell eBooks online. They have reached more than 2.5 billion users in 50+ countries. 

Listing in Google Play Store also boosts the ranking in Google search results. For self-publishing authors, they have a Books Partner Center offering ease in publishing their manuscripts. It’s a user-friendly platform for both readers as well as publishers. 

Google Play Books is also profitable as the eBook platform offers its authors the most revenue in sales. Besides, the authors don’t have to pay to sell their eBooks on the platform, making it a good deal. 

4. Apple Books

Apple Books has over 1.4 billion users in over 50 countries, primarily targeting audiences from Australia, the United States, Japan, and Europe. 

The eBook platform has bestseller writers providing their advice and guidance to beginners. From offering services to designing a book cover to formatting it, Apple Books covers all the requirements for self-publishing. 

They have no delivery fees on files, preferential store placement payment, or third-party ads on their site.

5. Barnes & Noble Press

Barnes & Noble Press is one of the hassle-free and easy-to-manage platforms for authors. The eBook platform gained popularity as an alternative to the Amazon program for self-publishing. 

Uploading a book is entirely free; even if it’s a physical book, the purchase amount will be deducted from readers instead of yours. The authors can choose to sell their books either as paperback or eBooks. However, the authors have to purchase an ISBN if they don’t have one already.

The eBook platform doesn’t require exclusivity, so authors can publish their work on other platforms. To track the sales, they offer the report along with tools and tips for marketing and organically targeting the audience. 

It’s a helpful tool, especially for beginner authors, as they get better insight and understanding of the market.


6. Smashwords

Smashwords has its audience and has gained a reputation, especially among small publishers and self-published authors. They offered their services to more than 160,000 authors and distributed ebooks to around 600,000 around the globe. 

It’s a free eBook publishing and distribution platform offering complete control over pricing and distribution. Smashword readers can also access ebooks via any device. 

As for the authors, the platform has marketing tools to ensure they connect with the right audience. Smashwords has major retailers, including Kobo, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, and more than 40,000 libraries (using Overdrive). 

They offer excellent support for authors to navigate their sales and market. The eBook platform has instructions, tutorials, ideas, and nanotools to simplify publishing. 

However, Draft2Digital has now officially acquired Smashwords. Even after the merging, the eBook platform is available for their authors and is now active as an ebook store.

7. Rakuten Kobo Writing Life

Kobo is a self-publishing eBook platform offering reach to millions of readers across the globe. With their availability in over 190 countries, the platform has simple and easy solutions for writers. They have their app available in the App Store and Google Play.

They have rendered eReading services, which help prevent users from copying or printing the authors’ content. Even though the platform is not huge like Amazon or Apple, it is still profitable with its more than 70% royalty. However, it depends on the eBook’s sales price. 

8. Ingram

Ingram has a book-building tool with a user-friendly interface for the authors. The eBook platform allows for not creating multiple contracts with individual distributions. Also, you don’t have to change the format or layout to meet the retailer’s requirements. 

The eBook platform covers all the work on your behalf. Ingram is ideal for independent or new authors looking for an easy way to publish and distribute their eBooks. They distribute the eBook worldwide, making it available through OverDrive, Amazon, Barnes & Noble Nook, etc. 


Finding the right eBook platform gets tricky, especially when the market has so many options. To get all-around services, including DRM-protected content, advanced analytics & reports, ease in payment, and many more, consider KITABOO.

With 24/7 support, this digital textbook platform allows authors to have complete ease with the right tools for creating, publishing, and distributing their eBooks. Request a demo today to get started!

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Vishal Dani

Vishal Dani

Vishal is the Senior Vice President and Head - Cloud Platforms & Technology at KITABOO. He leads the product development group and technology solutions. More posts by Vishal Dani