Trusted by Publishing Houses Worldwide

The Most Comprehensive eBook
Publishing Software Platform

Transform Your Manuscripts into Professional, Interactive eBooks — Instantly

Say goodbye to complex publishing processes and hello to streamlined, professional eBook creation with KITABOO. Our cloud-based eBook publishing software empowers authors and publishers, allowing you to create, enhance, and distribute your digital books globally in just minutes. No technical expertise required.

With KITABOO, you’ll create stunning eBooks enriched with:

Empower your readers with a rich reading experience while you gain valuable insights into their engagement.

From writing to worldwide distribution, KITABOO streamlines your entire eBook publishing journey.

Ready to turn your manuscripts into captivating digital books?

Let KITABOO amplify your stories across all devices and platforms.

KITABOO: A proven high scale digital textbook platform

Deployed in more than 20 countries

More than 34 million API calls daily

More than 1 Million eBooks delivered

More than 5 Million Active Users

99.97% Guaranteed Uptime

GDPR Ready

Intuitive Self-
Publishing Tools

KITABOO offers user-friendly tools for formatting, design, and eBook creation, making self-publishing a breeze for authors of all skill levels.

Global eBook

Reach readers worldwide with KITABOO’s integrated distribution network, connecting you to major eBook retailers and libraries.

KITABOO: A proven high scale digital textbook platform

Deployed in more than 20 countries

Why Authors and Publishers Love KITABOO

Easy-to-use eBook Creation Tools

Transform your manuscripts into professional eBooks with intuitive design features.

Multi-format Support

Publish in popular formats like ePub, MOBI, and PDF for maximum device compatibility.

Built-in Editing and Collaboration

Streamline your editing process with integrated tools for authors, editors, and collaborators.

Automated Formatting

Save time with smart formatting features that ensure your eBook looks great on any device.

Interactive eBook Elements

Enhance your books with videos, audio, quizzes, and other interactive features.

Robust DRM Protection

Safeguard your intellectual property with advanced digital rights management.

Comprehensive Analytics

Gain insights into reader behavior and sales performance to inform your publishing strategy.

Flexible Pricing and Royalty Options

Set your own prices and earn competitive royalties on your eBook sales.

Marketing and promotion tools

Leverage built-in marketing features to increase your eBook’s visibility and sales.


Yes, KITABOO supports all genres and types of eBooks, from novels to textbooks and everything in between.

Absolutely! KITABOO accepts various file formats, including Word documents, PDFs, and HTML files.

KITABOO connects you with major eBook retailers and libraries, streamlining the distribution process and expanding your reach.

Yes, KITABOO allows you to easily add multimedia elements, hyperlinks, and interactive features to enhance your eBooks.

While KITABOO doesn't directly provide ISBNs, it guides you through the process of obtaining and assigning ISBNs to your eBooks.

KITABOO offers transparent royalty reporting and timely payments, with options to set your own pricing and royalty rates.

Yes, KITABOO allows for easy updates and revisions, which can be pushed to all distribution channels simultaneously.

KITABOO offers built-in marketing tools and best practices to help promote your eBooks and increase visibility.

KITABOO includes automated quality checks and previews to ensure your eBook looks great across all devices and platforms.

Yes, KITABOO provides comprehensive analytics on sales, reader behavior, and engagement to help inform your publishing decisions.

Transform your publishing journey with KITABOO's eBook publishing software. Experience the power of advanced self-publishing tools and distribution software that revolutionize digital book publishing.