Get a free demo on eBook solutions!

KITABOO is one of the world’s leading eBook platforms for publishers and institutions. A digital book publishing platform where you can create, publish and distribute DRM-protected content across multiple devices and operating systems. Globally, more than 15 million users use it from over 32 countries in around 25 languages.

Whether a K-12 publisher or a Content Aggregator, you can create interactive eBooks designed for personalized learning to suit various learning styles. KITABOO features are custom-made to suit your unique online publishing requirements, take a closer look:

  • Analytics: Know the content metrics and engagement performance of your eBooks in a few clicks.
  • Reader Apps: Deliver eBooks or interactive textbooks to students and teachers in your own branded reader app for all devices
  • Authoring Platform: Cloud-based authoring platform to create responsive multimedia-rich content
  • Secure DRM: Secure content distribution with DRM software accessible through unique access codes only
  • SDK: Build your own eBook reader to customize the reader and user experience using SDK

Schedule your demo now to:

– See how your content will look with the KITABOO eBook Platform

– Learn how KITABOO can serve your online publishing needs

Note: KITABOO enables Publishers and Enterprises to create and distribute eBooks at scale. However, KITABOO may not be a viable option for Indie Authors or single eBook conversions.