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K12: Winning State Contracts

Join Us for a Webinar: Unlock the Secret to Winning State Contracts with KITABOO...

4th September 2024, 11 AM EST
Balasubramaniam Ayyaswami, Leslie Chamberlain

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Exclusive KITABOO + AWS Webinar

Digital Textbooks Reimagined: How AWS Bedrock and KITABOO’s AI Revolutionize ...

July 18, 2024 Time: 8 PM IST | 10.30 AM ET | 2.30 PM GMT
Tejas Pitkar, Moulaali Choudhri

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How to Create an eBook Store Website

The world is going digital, so are book lovers. Digital natives are reading eBoo...

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Watch KITABOO in live action!

Experience the cutting-edge tools that make KITABOO the go-to choice for digit...

Every Thursday at 11 am ET
Tejas Pitkar, Pavan Modh, Minal Pathak

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How Does Content Experience Transform Your Customer Experience?

 Web content management is being regarded as a mission-critical priority t...

08 June 2022
Sujatha Ramesh, Balasubbhramaniyam A

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Decoding Digital Trends for Publishers – Panel Discussion

   Are you up to the minute with current and upcoming publishing t...

18 November 2021
Steven Heffner, Christine B. Charlip , Scott M.Hanson, Srikanth Subramanian

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The Future of Digital Publishing – An Industry Report

 Digital publishing is rapidly overtaking the earlier methods of publishin...

14 September 2021
Scott Hanson, William Chesser, Balasubbhramaniyam A

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Bullet-Proofing your Strategy for Education Technology Solutions and K...

Technology has transformed education and helped educators adapt innovative ways ...

07 October 2021
Nehan Parhawk, Balasubbhramaniyam A

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Webinar increase sales team effectiveness

Summary: Using Sales Enabled mobile devices can dramatically increase your sale...

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