8 Reasons You Must Deliver Your Compliance Training Online
Compliance training helps in educating employees about the rules and laws of their industry and specifically their job function. The reason why compliance training is mandatory is because of the serious implications in the event that a company rule is flouted. If an employee commits an act contrary to the law, s/he, along with the organization, will be held responsible for the breach.
The result of that one unintended mistake could cost the company millions of dollars. To avoid the hassles of being on the wrong side of the law, enterprises ensure that all their employees are trained and made aware of the rules dictated by law as well as their own company rules.
Now the question that arises is how to deliver compliance training effectively? Can you delivery compliance training online? Looking at the need of the hour, it is essential to keep the employees updated at all times. The rapid pace of technological advances creates new standards of work operations and new rules to adhere to. Organizational heads need to ensure that employees keep up with the constant updates.
One thing they can be sure of is that every employee has an online presence today through various social media and professional sites. So, delivering compliance training online will ensure that employees can access the courses anytime and stay up-to-date with the latest information.
Let us have a look at how delivering compliance training online benefits organizations:
1. Explain Different Scenarios with Simulations
Compliance training should be created and delivered in a way that increases an employee’s awareness of the rules and laws. Using an online medium lets you experiment with various styles of content creation that is not possible otherwise. For example, you can include simulated scenarios as part of the compliance training module. Simulations are virtual representations of real-world situations.
So, this helps you re-create real-world scenarios where employees have to make a decision that ensures compliance with the law. Choosing the correct or incorrect answers on their mobile screens or tablets can give them a glimpse of the result of their actions in the real world. Such gamified training solutions help the employees understand what actions must be taken in a particular situation.
Related: 7 Modules Your Compliance Training Resources Must Include
2. Keeps Learners Engaged and Focused
Delivering compliance training online also helps keep learners engaged in the training program. But to ensure that you have an engaging training module, you need to enrich it with interactivities. Being connected to the internet at all times allows you to fully utilize its benefits. Adding multimedia elements like videos, graphics etc., adds value to the course.
You can embed hyperlinks which takes them to external websites for further clarification of rules and regulations. All these features enable the learners to interact with the course and understand and retain the concepts better. Engagement rate can also be determined through assessment scores and the analytics which shows real-time metrics.
Related: 5 Ways to Create Effective Interactive Training Content
3. Provide Training That is Accessible on Demand
Compliance training, when delivered on mobile devices, enables employees to access the courses anytime, anywhere. Irrespective of whether the employee is at home or at the workplace or somewhere else, the online course is always accessible to them.
With mobile devices being a tool of everyday use, using it for training delivery ensures that employees always have continuous access to the training resources.
Related: 7 Most Effective Ways to Deliver Training Content on Mobile
4. Update Courses with Ease
While it is time-consuming to reprint physical training manuals, it doesn’t take much time to update an online course. Cloud storage has enabled storing of information at one centralized location. All you need is the authorization to make changes to the file. In just a few mouse clicks, you can add/delete/modify the content and update it.
The changes will be automatically reflected on every employee’s device. The rules of the government may change any time, and as for your company regulations, you might want to refresh them too at some point in time. Online courses are easier to manage and update when compared to only-classroom-based training resources.
5. More Production Time
Online training releases more time and bandwidth for production. While classroom training requires employees to spend a few hours away from their workstations, delivering mobile-based training will ensure that your employees’ production hours are being utilized effectively.
As mobile learning is not limited by space and time, employees can go through compliance training anywhere and anytime. This enables their work hours to be used for productive purpose.
6. Assess and Analyze
Whether your compliance training is effective or not can only by gauged through an assessment. Online assessments make it easy for employers to test the employee’s knowledge in a quick and simple manner.
Employees only have to dedicate a few minutes to complete the assessment, and the scores can either be calculated automatically or can be sent to the employer for evaluation. Either way, the employer can view the test scores and get an idea of whether the employees have understood the rules of compliance.
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7. Track Real Time Data
Online training enables one to view their real-time performance results. With software tools that keep a record of every activity, employers can view a detailed report including the list of employees who have undertaken the compliance training.
They can also view the number of times they have opened the course module as well as their assessment scores. Real-time data tracking feature keeps everyone updated on the performance results. Automated dashboards present the data in a comprehensive manner, allowing both employees and employers to track the progress of the training program.
Related: Quick Tips to Measure Training ROI
8. Boost Motivation with Gamification
Compliance training, with its list of do’s and don’ts can get boring at times. And that is why we suggest you include interactivities and simulations. To further engage the learners and keep them motivated throughout the training process, you must gamify the training module.
Gamification means including certain gaming elements into the learning content. For example, you can give out points on the completion of each chapter or provide a printable certificate at the end of each assessment. Gamifying the training program helps keep the employees engaged and motivated to learn better.
It is the organization’s responsibility to disseminate information and updates in a timely manner. As classroom-based training is incapable of doing this task, enterprises are looking at online training. The whole purpose of delivering compliance training online is to keep the employees updated at all times through instant notifications and emails.
Plus, you have measurable outcomes to determine the effectiveness of the training program. So, using an online platform for delivery of compliance training will only save your time and cost, increase your employees’ efficiency and knowledge, and maintain compliance within the organization.
Related: The Best Online Corporate Training Platforms for 2019
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KITABOO is a cloud-based platform to create, deliver & track mobile-first interactive training content.