business ebook creation

The Dos and Don’ts to Create eBooks for Your Business

eBooks can be a potent marketing tool for your business. They can create a buzz about your brand and cement your reputation in your niche. Over time, they can also evolve into an additional revenue stream for your business. 

Today, plenty of user-friendly tools can help anyone create eBooks for their business, requiring no expertise or prior knowledge. That said, there are a few things that you should avoid in order to help your eBook stand out and become the ultimate lead magnet.

So? Want to create eBooks that are guaranteed to succeed? Here are a few pointers on what you should not do when creating eBooks for your business and what you should do instead. 

Table of Contents:

  1. Do Not Make an eBook about Your Business
  2. Do Not Use the ‘One Book That Knows It All’ Strategy
  3. Do Master Your Craft and Ditch the Rest
  4. Do Not Discard Anything
  5. Do Have a Plan
  6. Do Not Give Up

What Not to Do When Creating eBooks for Your Business? (And What to Do Instead)

Every eBook is unique and should be designed according to your preferences and business goals. However, certain practices are best to avoid when creating eBooks for any business.

1. Do Not Make an eBook about Your Business

This is probably the biggest mistake most business owners make when creating eBooks for their business. The goal of the eBook should be to provide the reader/target audience with valuable information about a specific topic. It should never be about your product, services, or your business. Avoid sales language, and do not make your reader feel forced into purchasing from you. 

Instead: Get to know your target audience. Use surveys or polls to understand what your audience truly needs. You should create eBooks that solve a problem for your audience.

2. Do Not Use the ‘One Book That Knows It All’ Strategy

While you may be tempted to pour every ounce of knowledge into a single eBook, do not! Here’s why.

If you do that, what do you write in the next book? As mentioned earlier, eBooks can be a viable option to generate leads for your business. To make this a reality, you should be working on creating multiple eBooks over time. 

Instead: Start small; write a short, concise, and informative eBook that you can perhaps give out as a freebie in exchange for an email address. If your readers like your content and want more detailed information, they will return for more. Keep your more informative eBooks behind a paywall.

3. Do Master Your Craft and Ditch the Rest

When creating eBooks for your business, it’s important to steer clear of the ‘I can do it all’ mindset. This mindset often leads to several common mistakes that can hinder the success of your eBook.

For example, editing is a critical step in creating a high-quality eBook. Even if you’re a skilled writer, it’s essential to recognize that writing and editing are separate skills. Having a second pair of eyes review your work can help identify errors and refine your content.

The same goes for the design of the cover page. Your eBook’s cover is the first impression potential readers have of your content, and it can significantly impact their decision to purchase or engage with your eBook.

Instead: Do what you do best, write and leave the editing, proofreading the design to the professionals. Of course, not everyone will have the budget to do this. Enlist the help of a friend who has the skills you need or explore tools online that can further your eBook creation process.

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4. Do Not Discard Anything

When it comes to creating eBooks, or any content for that matter, never discard anything you pen down. Not all of us have the discipline to write a chapter in one go. Most of us start writing, get distracted, forget about it and return to it after a few days. By then, you may find what you may have written earlier silly or irrelevant. 

Discarding what you wrote and starting anew might seem fairly harmless now, but you never know when that content might become valuable again down the line. By then, it’s too late.  

Instead: Create a new file for each draft. That way, you maintain a comprehensive record of your ideas and can always refer back to them if needed. 

Bonus Tip: Always have backups of your primary draft. Imagine spending countless hours perfecting your eBook, only to have it disappear due to accidental deletion or because the file got corrupted.

5. Do Have a Plan

Not having a plan can be disastrous when creating eBooks for your business. Without a clear strategy and direction, you risk wasting time and effort on a product that may not even resonate with your target audience.

Creating an eBook isn’t just about sharing information; we have established that it is also a powerful marketing tool for your business. Not having a proper plan can lead to irrelevant content and wasted effort.

Instead: Plan the subject matter of your eBook in advance. Identify the core issue or topic you want to focus on in-depth. Then, outline the related issues that have a bearing on your core subject.

A well-thought-out marketing plan ensures that your eBook reaches your target audience effectively and maximizes its impact, thus establishing you as an authority in your field.

6. Do Not Give Up

Creating eBooks is not an easy endeavor. You may need to write multiple drafts and go through multiple rounds of edits and proofreading. It would take weeks or even months. You may be considering walking away from the project or suffering writer’s block. Whatever the case, do not give up. 

Instead: Set goals for yourself. Take a break if you need it and return to it when fresh. Try to stay consistent and keep the momentum up.

Also Read: 10 Easy Steps to Create eBooks Online and Sell it

Summing It Up

Creating eBooks for your business can be a game-changer, but knowing the dos and don’ts is essential to ensure its success. Yes, it can be challenging, but the key is to stick to a few best practices, be consistent, and, most importantly, don’t give up. Remember! Perseverance is key, and it will ultimately help you create eBooks that can boost your business. 

Reach out now to learn more. 

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Mike Harman

Mike Harman

Mike is the SVP Business Development at KITABOO. He has over 30 years experience in achieving consistent top-line revenue growth and building mutually beneficial relationships. More posts by Mike Harman