Leadership Training | 10 Ways to Design and Deliver High Impact Leadership Training-min

10 Ways to Design and Deliver High Impact Leadership Training

Timely training is essential for the smooth running of an organization. Because only with training can you upskill your staff and improve their efficiency in the workplace. This stands true for all levels of the workforce, right from new employees to the leadership team.

But most of the training programs organized by the HR and L&D teams are directed towards new employees and mid-level employees. The management team mostly miss out on these leadership training sessions due to their busy schedules filled with meetings and client calls and so on.

However, they are a crucial part of the organization, so they must undergo training to keep themselves updated so that they can strive for further organizational and well as personal growth. It’s not fair for them to miss out on the opportunity to learn and grow. In this scenario, online or mobile training is the perfect way to deliver leadership training to the management team.

A leadership training program must be designed in a way that enhances their leadership qualities and helps them build new skills to manage the modern workforce and workplace.

People at a managerial position are expected to be aware of the latest developments and changes that take place in their line of work, plus interact with their millennial employees in a way that inspires and motivates them. Both these tasks can be accomplished through effective training.

Here are some benefits of training the leadership team:

  • A well-trained leadership team can boost the team’s productivity
  • Training will help shape them for future challenges
  • The leadership team will be in a better position to make informed business decisions
  • They can influence and inspire their co-workers and employees
  • They can help develop a happy, engaged and motivated team

Here’s how you can deliver high-impact leadership training.

1. Start with a Self-Assessment Test:

The members of the leadership team, who are to undertake the training must first be aware of their strengths and shortcomings. An analysis report of the self-assessment test will give them a heads-up on the areas they need to improve.

So, let this be the first step towards leadership training. It will also help the L&D teams in designing training programs that will suit the learning requirements of individual learners as well as the whole team.

2. Provide Self-Paced and Personalized Online Learning:

With the results of the self-assessment, you can determine which training program is needed by the management team. The best thing about mobile training is that it can be accessed anywhere and anytime. The managers can go through it at their own pace whenever they find time.

If you have a content repository with a whole lot of training programs designed for various employee levels, managers can easily browse through the library and select a program that suits their needs.

3. Ensure Multi-Device Compatibility for Easy Access:

In the event that a manager wishes to switch from a phone to a laptop or a tablet, the continuity of the training should not be impacted. In order to ensure this, you must provide training content that is multiple device compatible. It must be synced so that the user can pick up from where they left off previously on a different device.

4. Design Custom as Well as Generic Topics:

Ensure that you include the general topics usually included in leadership training such as communication skills, team building, motivation and engagement, work delegation, mentoring, strategizing etc. Apart from these common topics, you can design customized content based on the earlier self-assessment.

Say for example, a manager would like to learn more about a particular tool, you can design a training module for the same. And this module will also probably benefit the others. So analyze the self-assessment report carefully to understand the training needs of the leadership team.

5. Vary Between Content Types:

The training content could be in a video format or it could be a deck of PPT slides. Ensure that you include variations to keep the module interesting and the learners interested. You can include videos, animations, simulations, scenario-based learning, infographics, etc., as part of the course module.

Using different forms of content will keep the learners engaged and help them focus on the learning module. All these interactive multimedia elements add to the engagement factor of an online learning module. Here are 5 ways to create effective interactive training content.

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6. Add Challenging Assessments:

Like every other training program, leadership training too must be embedded with interactive quizzes. The purpose is to test the understanding of the leadership team, and the effectiveness of the training program.

You can set assignments in increasing order of difficulty, making it more challenging for the learner to find a solution and proceed to the next level. You can include complex case studies to improve their decision making and problem-solving skills.

7. Provide Secure Offline Access:

In mobile learning, a lot of times you will find that the user does not always have to be connected to the internet. In case the learner wishes to peruse the content offline, they can download the module and save it for later use.

The content is also often secured with DRM-protection so that only authorized personnel can access the courses. This is done in order to protect the content in the online space and also to ensure that the content is being used by the right audience.


How to Create Mobile-Friendly Training Content

8. Provide Short Bursts of Information:

The idea of microlearning first came into existence for on-the-go learners, who do not have time to sit and undertake extensive training sessions. The managerial team would rightly fall into this category.

So, with mobile training, you can always give them training in micro-modules. This won’t take up a lot of their time, and they will also be able to complete the training program effectively.

9. Enable Seamless LMS Integration:

Organizations might already have LMS software in place for training delivery. If you still would like to use an enhanced training delivery platform to deliver training, you can opt for one that integrates with the existing LMS.

This will enable you to deliver mobile training through your company LMS with the help of an external training delivery tool. Doing this will enable you to include additional interactivities and features to enhance the training module and the user experience.

Here are the key benefits of a training management system vs learning management system

10 Include Social Learning Feature:

Social learning is nothing but learning on one’s own device and being connected with other people in the digital space at the same time. Prime example would be a webinar, online forum, chat group and so on. These functionalities enable the leadership team to stay connected with their peers while learning.

So, say for example, they are working on an assignment and they need peer or expert suggestions, they can always post their questions and queries on these social platforms, discuss possible solutions, and come to a unanimous conclusion.


An effective leadership training enables the management team to leverage new business opportunities. They can be the role models that inspire their employees to work hard and strive for better output.

Delivering leadership training online makes it convenient for learners. And it is not only efficient but also cost saving, and therefore must be leveraged and optimized to its maximum capacity.

Contact our expert team now and get started!

To know more, please write to us at contact@kitaboo.com


Discover how a mobile-first training platform can help your organization.

Kitaboo is a cloud-based platform to create, deliver & track mobile-first interactive training content.

Snehnath Neendoor

Snehnath Neendoor

Snehnath is the Senior Vice President, Business Development at KITABOO. He has rich and diverse experience in training and learning solutions for the enterprise segment. More posts by Snehnath Neendoor