A Comprehensive Guide to eBook SDK installation
What is an SDK?
SDK stands for Software Development Kit consisting of lines of codes, tools, and features which developers can use to build a software platform. To explain with an example, to develop an Android app on a Java platform, you will need a Java Development Kit. Similarly, to develop iOS apps, you will need the iOS kit. Then there are some SDKs that are installed in apps such as Google, Facebook, and Apple, to trace and compile data and provide analytics for different activities.
There are various use cases for SDKs, for instance, they can be used to implement application programming interfaces (APIs) consisting of libraries to interact with a specific programming language. Or, they can be used to communicate with an embedded system within an app. While SDKs are most associated with mobile devices, they can be used in conjunction with other digital platforms such as set-top boxes and websites.
Here, in this article, we specifically look at the benefits of eBook SDK installation for digital publishing. We also look at the various steps involved in installing an SDK.
Benefits of SDKs for digital publishers -
Most traditional publishers have now shifted to the digital space, investing in digital publishing solutions, along with their traditional assets. Today, they can make their content available through mobile apps and easy-to-use content management systems, thereby greatly increasing their audience reach. Apart from building their own mobile apps, they can also leverage SDKs, which their developers can use to integrate the mobile content into their website or app.
An SDK is a software development kit that contains all the tools and features that an app needs to function seamlessly. These tools and features include a front-end app, set of APIs, analytic tools, and various add-ons. An SDK usually includes libraries, implementation samples, process descriptions, user guides, relevant documentation, and other additional resources on how to use the SDK to create an app.
Best practices to follow while selecting SDK for digital publishing -
Ensure the SDK is simple to use
An SDK is only useful if it is easy for the developer to use and integrate with the publisher’s mobile apps or websites. Complex codes and methodologies will only make the integration process difficult. So, an effective SDK is one that maintains simplicity in its code, tools, and features. While choosing an SDK, avoid those offering innovative features that your developers are unfamiliar with.
The eBook SDK you choose should come along with a user guide or manual to explain how the software works. The manual should be well-illustrated and explained, such that the developers spend minimum time in understanding how it works, and are able to start the eBook SDK installation process within a few minutes.
Supports multiple languages
As a publisher, you may want your content to be available in multiple languages. Make sure to choose an SDK that supports your target languages correctly. This means that it should have the correct files and encoding systems, amongst other features.
Test the product before installation
Before proceeding with the eBook SDK installation, your developers should first create a basic project in GitHub to understand how the kit works. Understand the best way it can be integrated into your app or website. Next, check out the output with a few sample users. This will help you identify the pain areas in your application design.
Evaluate the quality of the tools
It is important to evaluate the quality of tools in the SDK. You find the tools to be inefficient, or that you are unable to implement the features you require. In such a scenario, you can talk to an expert who can help you gain an understanding of the various tools and their functions.
The eBook SDK should have proper documentation of the API and the SDK, including a user guide. This is important because the documentation is what the developers will use as a point of integration.
How to install an eBook SDK in 3 easy steps?
In this part of the blog, we look at the eBook SDK installation process for Android apps.
Keep in mind that all installation steps will take place on the PC and not on the phone or tablet.
Step 1: Import the “SDK” and “reader” modules in your existing workspace, along with the settings.
Step 2: You need to include reader module dependency in the Gradle file of your existing application.
Step 3: Initialize User, Book, Service Configuration, and Reader as per the code given in the DemoReaderActivity and Application class.
As a publisher, there are several benefits you can reap from using an eBook SDK rather than developing your code and tools from scratch. An SDK shortens the integration process by easily integrating with your existing tech stack. It offers a host of libraries and development tools allowing your developers to build and test a variety of applications at a faster pace. With an SDK you can also control the look and feel of your interface and thus strengthen your brand.
KITABOO SDK is a popular software development kit that can be used as plug-and-play libraries. KITABOO API and SDK allow customers to easily integrate the ability to produce, distribute and render ePUBs, eBooks, Courseware, HTML, Interactivities, Video, Video courses, and Audio Podcasts.
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