Digital eBook Libraries

9 Reasons Why Publishers Should Move to Digital eBook Libraries

The idea of digital eBook libraries replacing the traditional ones isn’t new. Apart from offering the convenience of storing books in electronic format, it gives an excellent solution to get away from the hassle of maintaining repositories and annoyingly complex filing systems of traditional libraries. And in the new world order of remote learning, digital libraries play a critical role.

By opting for digital libraries, publishers can also build their reputation within communities as it gives them the opportunity to introduce the general public to unique content that they may not have access to otherwise.

Why traditional book publishers should go for digital eBook libraries?

There are numerous advantages to publishing digitally as compared to print, and a few of these are outlined below.

1. Users Can Have Better Access to eBooks

Unlike their traditional counterparts, digital eBook libraries make books much more accessible to readers, along with giving them the convenience of downloading without much hassle. eBooks are especially beneficial for someone who lives in a place where it’s hard to get books in their native language and/or shipping costs are too high.

The availability of eBooks 24*7 makes it easy to search, select, buy, and read them anytime and anywhere the user wants. Readers can easily buy the book from the comfort of their homes, without having to wait for physical delivery of the book.

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2. ePublishing is Cost-effective

In the case of traditional publishing methods, the cost involved is relatively high. Besides the cost of printing, binding, shipping and distribution, there are also labor costs which end up spiking the final price of the book.

Digital eBook libraries do away with all these expenses. For publishers, the cost of maintaining a digital library is much lower than that of a traditional one.

Here’s a Guide for Switching to ePublishing from Traditional Books.

3. Better Reader Engagement

With digital textbooks, publishers can engage readers more thoroughly as compared to traditional books. It gives readers an immersive reading experience by completely engaging them using relevant images, animations, and sound effects.

Further, readers can highlight, annotate, draw, and cite sources using eBook features. In digital eBook format, readers can also benefit from the features like changing the font size and type and adjusting the brightness level of the screen for optimum reading in the dark or bright daylight.

4. Convenient Option

The fact that the reader doesn’t have to physically go anywhere to find a book or reference material makes digital eBook libraries much more convenient, cost-efficient and less energy consuming. A digital library is actually a place where readers can access almost any type of information within no time.

The books are in electronic format which can be easily downloaded to their computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone or any reading device. Similar to a printed book, eBooks can have a table of contents, pictures, graphics and numbered pages to make the process of reading fun and enjoyable.

Additionally, keeping eBooks in a digital setup takes up much less space as there isn’t any physical place needed to store them. A digital library can store hundreds and thousands of eBooks on a reading device or computer.

Here’s a list of Top 10 eBook Readers to Consider while Switching from Print Books.

5. Digital Books Are An Eco-friendly Alternative

With the environmental crisis deepening each passing day, sustainability becomes very important. Digital eBook libraries make much more sense for publishers who care about the environment.

Publishing your book electronically means lesser use of paper along with a host of other resources that go into producing a printed book. As the awareness about the environmental crisis grows further, there will be more and more people going for eBooks instead of traditionally printed books in an attempt to do their bit towards saving the environment.

6. Interactive Features to Engage the User

Digital eBook libraries enhance the overall reading experience as most e-readers allow readers to search within the eBook. Apart from this, they can easily bookmark passages to come back to later.

There are several other features that eBooks offer, such as audio and video clips embedded inside text or links to other resources that are accessible directly from the eBook.

Here’s an Infographic about 6 Reasons why Students Prefer Digital Content. Click on the image below to view more.6 Reasons Why Students Prefer Digital Content-01

Guide on How to Create an Interactive eBook. Download Now!

7. eBooks Have Longer Shelf Life

Apart from the timeless classics which are preserved for hundreds of years under climate-controlled conditions, most of the other paper books survive only for 15-20 years due to factors such as mold, moisture, etc.

eBooks stacked in digital libraries, on the other hand, have much longer shelf life and could potentially last thousands of years as digital files.


Know How to Create an Interactive eBook

8. Easy to Upgrade

Unlike printed copies, eBooks can be easily updated in case of any information changes. It is much simpler to keep a digital library up to date with the latest changes and updated information.

9. Portability

eBooks are portable and require the user to just carry an e-Reader, and the entire library of books can travel with them wherever they go. Even better, if their digital eBook collection is synced to a cloud service, they can read eBooks on their smartphones anytime, anywhere.


How to Automate PDF to ePub3 Conversion

Digital eBook Libraries Are Here to Stay

There are enough and more reasons why publishers, as well as readers, should give eBook libraries a try. The biggest advantage of a digital eBook library is that they facilitate easy information retrieval and preservation of content.

They also offer much more versatility than print and have many benefits that make the reading experience more enjoyable for users. The easy accessibility and 24/7 availability of these libraries further help enterprises and educational institutions to make use of electronically accessible articles, manuscripts, journals, periodical and much more.

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Mike Harman

Mike Harman

Mike is the SVP Business Development at KITABOO. He has over 30 years experience in achieving consistent top-line revenue growth and building mutually beneficial relationships. More posts by Mike Harman